
Charlotte Mary Wilson

Was born July 7, 2013 at 532 PM. She weighed 6 lbs 12 oz. I started to feel really different things Saturday night. I told Brad that I felt lots of gurgling going on down there. We picked up my mom from the airport. Corrin, Dave, and the kids decided to spend the night in case. "This was it." All through the night I had contractions. At 5am Sunday, they were regular at about seven to ten minutes apart. We decided to drive to the hospital when they were about five minutes a part. When I arrived around 7 am, I was dialated 3cm. The contractions were about three minutes a part. The dr told the nurse to check me again in two hours and if u was 4cm, I could stay and it would be time. Two hours later, I was still having regular contractions that hurt so much. The nurse checked me and I was 4. She hooked me up to an IV and I got an epidural. I screamed when the dr was trying to put the epidural in the right place. It freaked me out. Once I got the epidural, I was so good. We had one scare when Charlottes' heart rate dropped dramatically. The drs and nurses tugged me over and over and gave me a shot to stabilize things. Marsha and Tim made it to the hospital. After twelve minutes of pushing, Charlotte was here. My dr didn't deliver him because he was not on call. A young dr whose first name is Krista delivered her. She was awesome. Charlotte is the best baby. She sleeps a lot. I can't wait until she is awake more. Brad, the kids, and I are thrilled and are madly in love.

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