Our house started!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoo Whoo Whooo Whoo!!!!!!!!
August is Birthday month!
August is a month of celebrations. Paige, Will, Brad, Brian, Dave, Isabella, my mom, my dad, Marsha, and JoAnn all celebrate August birthdays! I made Paige and Will a cake and we celebrated at our apartment. I then made everyone each a cake to celebrate at the Wilson's. I tried to do different flavors for each person: Paige (cookie); Marsha (vanilla with creme cheese and strawberry filling) Brad (Italian creme cake); Brian (peanut butter and chocolate; William (red velvet). Isabella had her birthday party at an art studio. Each child made their own picture frames. Brad LOVED LOVED LOVED his Robert Griffin III signed Baylor helmet:)))
New house changes

Since it is taking forever to start our house...we have changed a few things. Brad told Ralfael that we should probably go to the design center to pick out everything again because the stuff that we chose in February is probably out of style by now....LOL. We are going to do these exact white kitchen cabinets and the dark island. We are also getting a fireplace similar to this one. The picture of the living room is the exact living room that we will have (minus the furniture:)
Mini Golf and Girls Night Out!
On Saturday, it was just Will, Brad, and I. We needed to get out of the apartment so we took Will to Mountasia for bumper boats and mini golf. Brad beat me by five points!!! ARGH!!!!! It was REALLY hot but it was a lot of fun. The bumper boats were good because we got to squirt water on each other and bump into each other. Later on, Brad dropped me off at my friend's house in Houston. My friends from college all met where we had pedicures done and then went to dinner. It was lots of fun catching up!!!! Will ended up talking Brad into taking him to the Backyard Grill (a restaurant by our old house that we loved going). He also talked him into giving him money to play the claw machine. Will is obsessed with the claw machine (that machine that is the biggest rip off where you put in money and try to win a stuffed animal). The funny thing, though, is that Will is actually good at the claw machine! He ALWAYS wins prizes!!! He won these three things! Brad ended up at Tom's house later on where Will gave Maverick and Jenn's new dog, Macy, a stuffed animal. Maverick immediately tore the face off of the green one:))))
Galveston...Here comes the WILSONS! Are you ready for us??
We woke up on Sunday and decided to take the kids to Galveston after church. As we were discussing it, Brad and I thought it would be cool to tell the kids we were going to the beach but really take them to Schlitterbaun. The kids were ecstatic! They spent the entire car ride decided what kind of sand castles they wanted to build at the beach. When we pulled up to Schlitterbaun, we said "surprise!" They were happy but the three of them (Abbey, Allison, and Will) all said they would rather go to the beach. Brad and I were completely ok with this because the beach is a LOT cheaper than Schlitterbaun. We went to the Dollar General where we stocked up on beach supplies. We found a beach section that charged in Galveston but the charge was definitely worth it. We pulled the car up to the beach and spent the day there. It was a blast! We usaully pull up to the seawall and go to the beach there. We will definately go to the place where you pay next time because it was really nice.
No Label In Katy, TX
There is a new brewery opened in Katy called No Label. On Saturdays, they do a family friendly tasting. You can bring dogs and food. They have live music and lots of kids! We met Jen and Tom there to spend an afternoon listening to the music and socializing. We brought Chick F Lay to eat. It was a blast!
The Rooster
There is a restaurant called "The Shack" that is near our house. The Houston Chronicle did a story on it ages ago with pictures. It looks like a very neat place with outdoor seating and all eclectic furniture. The burgers are suppose to be amazing! We were going to try it when we moved to our apartment but we found out that it is temporally closed (due to plumbing issues and city permits. I watch their Facebook Page to see when they plan to open. The owners posted on their facebook that they were partnering with another place called Roosters also near our house. Brad and I took the kids tonight. It was very cool. It is located right on a golf driving range. You can order burgers and beer (and other drinks if you want). They will have live music on Friday's and Saturdays. Brad wants to sign the four kids up for golf lessons.
The Houston Scavenger Hunt
My friend Stephanie organized a Houston scavenger hunt. Stephanie is very creative and one of the most hardworking people I know. I first met her at Northbrook Middle School years ago where she is a art teacher and I taught history. She is awesome! The scavenger started at 11:30 AM and ended at 5:30 at Skeeters (family restaurant). There were 40 items to find on the list. Each item had to be photographed with at least one person in the picture. Here are some of the items:
*A interesting animal*A campaign sign from an election*Something tall*Picture of the state flag*Something “artsy”*”I know someone who works here!”*”huh? What’s that mean?”*great place to go shopping*armadillo*fake flowers*School bus*something with zebra stripes*A treasure*A tunnel*A bridge*A gazebo*A Star*Ornamental sculpture*a “Beware of ______” sign*Something that has to do with the Olympics*a metal sculpture*something that repeats*something expensive*Something colorful
Sweet Sweet Isabella: I decided that we were going to start at 11:30 even though the kids didn't get out of camp until 12:00. One of the items said that we had to find a school bus. Our apartments are literally next to the Cy-Fair ISD bus depot. There is a metal fence to separate the apartments with the depot. There was a small space that I got Isabella to crawl under (the fence) so that she could get closer to the buses. This would make the picture more "legit." She was soooooo cute and funny crawling under the fence. I couldn't stop laughing!
I picked up the kids from camp and headed to my friend Diana's house to pick her up along with her daughter Lanie. There were eight of us in the car and I told them that WE HAD TO get all forty of them!!!! The kids were on board. It was such a fun adventure. We visited the big Armadillo, at ice cream at Amy's ice cream, found places in Montrose we didn't know existed, and laughed the entire time. The kids helped us find many things! We were going to drive by a gymnastics studio in Houston where a coach for the Olympics works (there was an Olympic item) but we ended up finding an Olympic barbie doll in an antique shop in Montrose. We stopped at a Home Depot to find a "Beware of Dog Sign" and a gazebo. We printed up the pictures and shared them with the other teams at Skeeters. What a blast!!!!! The kids could not stop talking about the different places.
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